Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm more afraid of Life than Death

This realization came to me - maybe yesterday?

My life is such a mess in so many aspects, and then I thought, so many people speak of being afraid of death. I'm not afraid of death; I'm afraid of Life!

Don't get me wrong - I don't want to die. My family is the most important thing to me and to leave my children without a mother, my husband without a wife, or my parents without a daughter - No! But death seems like peace to me, for my beliefs tell me I chose this path for some reason and only in death will I completely understand WHY I would choose such a life!
I guess I just want answers.

Death means returning to a different aspect and not dealing with humans that have caused havoc in my life. No one other than my husband probably knows completely what we have had to deal with in this life, and what we continue to live. It is very scary out there in the world today! We have been bombarded with evil and negativity from so many people. Yet we always are there for others - we try to help everyone and be kind to people - so then why do people always hurt us? It just doesn't make sense. We seem to be a magnet for negative people meaning those who cheat, steal and lie, Why?

So, that is why Life is definitely more scary than Death!

1 comment:

Lakelandmom said...

You hit the nail on the head in so many ways. I too have been a magnet to the type you describe. I am still giving, just alot more cautious because of it. That alone could be the 'why' keep us safe from situations we shouldn't get too heavily involved in, you know what I mean? I have had more than my share of problems, too, and I can say living is hard, if you're like us and trying to do it 'the right way'...not sponging off the government, not stealing, raising our kids with values, counting and stretching every single penny, etc.

I can see what you mean, how death might just very well be alot more peaceful than this life. I think the thing that scares me the most about dying is simply the unknown. We won't know if it's peaceful or not until it happens. Thankfully, it only happens once.