Thursday, April 22, 2010

Psychic Dream and Meditation about Haleigh Cummings sent to Putnam County Sheriff Office

Well this is definitely a long email I sent to the tip line for Haleigh Cummings missing from Satsuma Florida! I read back thru the email, it is somewhat difficult to follow. I am not sure I could make it easier if I tried again. The first dream/vision was long and then to try and explain it made it even longer! What I get from this first dream is Haleigh was injured/murdered or taken by someone close to Misty or Misty herself.

The mediation I did a few days following this dream - gives more information and would mean she did reach someone via phone to come and help. I would like to know who she really called that night Haleigh went missing. In the dream/vision it was me asking my daughter to call my parents - but my parents were not home. Where were Misty's parents or even for that matter where where Ronald's parents?


Dear sir,
I have emailed the department before regarding psychic visions but something told me to go back to the beginning and look at what I got. So I did - I realized I had pulled info from the Feb 14 2009 and Feb 18 2009 information but had never sent the entire notes. I have not posted some of the information online - due to how horrible part of it was. I am sending the notes with the only change to exclude my personal family names in the document. These are now marked by "*'s". I have not given any thoughts of the meanings of what happened in the vision other then what I did when originally typed, because my interpretation may be incorrect. So it is how it was written the next day.

You must have never been able to link any of the other information I extracted from any visions - so I doubt this is going to be much more helpful - but if you feel this may have been an inside job - there is definitely some concern involving the "choking" part.
I hope and pray that Haleigh will be found and her family can begin to heal from this horrible situation. If something makes sense please dont hesitate to contact me - I would have to go back thru my other notes reference other visions etc on this case - the bus stop was very prominent in a number of as I say coincidences.

Nightmare – vision February 14, 2009

Only changes – taking out personal names with *****

(Trying to remember the nightmare/vision I had last night. *****(young child) was in bed with me – *****(husband )out of town. She was throwing up from about 10pm till 2 or 3 am.)
(I know I was not in a sound sleep cause every little while ***** was getting up to go to the bathroom.)

(What I can remember – there was so much and even as was happening was not getting all that was said or done.)

(I remember asking to help Haliegh Cummings – but not sure if goes with her or not???)

#Note - added for blog - this is hard to read but it is all a type of dream/vision - I'm not physically in this realmm laying on the floor - just wanted to make sure you understand.

Ok so it started out – seemed normal – It was as if part in reality and part out? *****(young child) was sick as she actually was. But then all of a sudden I started to feel sick. I got out of the bed and walked to the end of my bed – I knew I was gonna pass out – I told ***** to go and get ****** if mommy passed out. A second later I did and was lying on the floor next to my bed. I was aware enough to just get out – "Get ******." I am trying to remember – but I felt physical things – kinda tingly head there was something else I cant remember. She got ****** and ***** and they sat by me on the floor. I knew that this was not from Me – that it was someone giving me information – Then I remember telling them to look at my wrists – especially I think the right one – I could feel this terrible squeezing and even when we looked at it – you could see the indentations in my wrist from something that was not visible to us.

As I lay there – there was a different piece of furniture in my room along the wall then there is now. (I have changed that within the last six months or so.) It was a shorter piece of furniture. But from the ceiling and dripping down the wall was water – enough as if it was gushing! I cant remember what we did to stop it. But then we are all three sitting there – I don’t see the furniture piece anymore but directly onto the wall. There was so much information on the wall that I couldn’t comprehend what it was. I remember YELLOW. It was all done in a bright yellow. Now it is just yellow blobs I don’t know what it was. But as I was looking at that then they showed me a page from a children’s book. Gosh I read a couple words but can’t remember them. But I remember knowing the picture was of green with an alligator.

(while typing this is doesn’t sound bad but I knew that this was a more intense read then ever before – and kinda a physical take over of me)

I told ****** this is very bad – I was trying to describe to them everything I was seeing – which of course they could not see. At some point I thought maybe it was easing up and ****** and ***** went back upstairs. Then I began to get awful – what I would call vision flashes – it was showing me horrible things. Choking a child – it would come in flashes – terribly overwhelming evil – the person was doing something evil and seemed to have no remorse – seemed to enjoy being evil. Like they were taken over by a demon. Like they were crazy and felt they were being lead to perform this horrible action – by some demon in their mind and that they would be praised by this demon for accomplishing this horrible action against this young child – I believe a girl. It was in quick flashes so I could not get a good look at the victim.

I began to freak out because ***** was in the bed with me. See it is hard to explain – but was like inbetween two worlds. Aware enough to know ***** was there and yet in a terrible vision at the same time. I began to start performing a cleansing that I do – as I am still in the vision. I knew this evil was trying to invade me. I needed ***** to be safe so I got ****** again and told her it is very bad – You need to call Grandma and Papa now. I need more help – I don’t want this to hurt any of you girls. ****** got on the phone and tried to call my parents. (in reality they live 15 minutes away) But for some reason she was having to call them – somewhere else. She couldn’t get them but Mike (I dont have any relative with this name but this is a family friend who is a police officer) answered the phone. He told ****** that they were not there they were with the Religious People. I am thinking what that makes no sense. My parents don’t go to church – they have their beliefs – like mine. But I accepted they were not available to help, but was wondering why they were with Religious People??

I was scared for my children that this evil would take over – I continued to ask God to keep us all safe and only allow good to come to me and all Evil must leave now.

(now at different points in this vision – I am totally up and aware of my surroundings – I am actually helping ***** in the bathroom and going back and forth to the kitchen to get stuff for her! I was never in a deep sleep!)

At one point all I can remember is something about a Manly Man Neighborhood. It seemed to make sense with everything else I was getting and I understood at the time but cant remember it all. I was getting so much info that made sense – but was given in weird phasing??

Then I get a quick flash of a Man running – he had on Khaki shorts down to above his knee. Have no idea what he looked like.

Then a quick flash of a young man with bushy blonde hair – not sure of what I was shown him for or if he was the same man in the khaki shorts? I remember wishing I was an artist so I could get up and draw him. That’s how good of a look I got at him. Bushy long hair – not long hair like a girl but bushy long.

(I cant remember anything else right now but it was a very horrible night!)

(Just remembered something)

There is a dumpster and there is a gate right behind it.
Ok so I’m looking straight the dumpster is on the left in front of me – totally straight is a gate. The gate is big enough to drive thru – not sure why they placed the dumpster right there seems an odd placement. The dumpster is full – I tried to look in it but couldn’t tell what was in it. The gate is like made of tubular metal cant remember the color. I believe as I am looking at it – it will open from the left and go back to the right.

(I went on Google earth to see if could find the dumpster and gate. Not cant get to that area with pictures. But as I was there it moved by itself to and area behind Seven Sister Street off the very end left side and back to closer to Madison on the map.)

Tried to meditate again 02/18/2009

Not sure anything I got though – wish I didn’t know anything about case
Mother not involved
Mother and father fighting
They were fighting in front of Haleigh – (so was it Misty and father - question to myself)
Daddy went to work
Misty didn’t want to play
The big man came – gonna take me to Mommy
He carries her she wraps legs around him
Thought he was going back for Jr
Put me in the car
Towel from the kitchen
Female there too???????
She lets them in holding the door open ( looks like Misty)
Misty leaves with 2 guys
Has reputation for hanging around the neighborhood
Come thru the back
He used block in side door cause he knew he would carry Haleigh out
Jeans – black belt??
Polo – Haleigh tan shorts
Stick shift car
Tape wrists
Rope feet criss cross
Extra stuff in dumpster didn’t want it in car

Ok so that is what was sent in to the Putnam County Sheriff's Department about the Dreams/Visions/Meditations. I know I have more in many emails between myself and the two other ladies working with me, but I will have to go thru them. That will be a major job!

So the choking and possible murder of Haleigh was why I did not want to post this information before. I did not want Crystal or the rest of the family to be horrified by my dream. Unfortunately, it may actually ring some truth as to what may have happened to poor little Haliegh.

I know this is alot to read and absorb at one time but I felt it would be easier to put out the information in the email tips to Law Enforcement first and then go from there with other notes. Not really sure what else I have gotten at the moment - will difinitely take some time before I can post more information.

Maybe I will go thru these and do a match up to what may have been said in the media; but this blog in itself is already way too long -

Please place photos and information about missing persons on your blogs and websites to keep them in the public eye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you received any more visions for Haleigh? We need to solve this case and bring her home!