Sunday, December 20, 2009

Arrest made in Robert Wiles Kidnapping Case

Arrest made in Robert Wiles Kidnapping Case!

What great news maybe this will be the first step in Robert returning home.
I have not posted everything I had gotten on the case, just lack of time on my part. I did take a moment to go through what had been posted to see if anything matched with what I had received. This is the way I learn how to interpret better what I am shown and given.

I pulled a couple of things out of the blogs that may pertain to what is known by the media now.

they did not fly into the Lakeland Airport. The suspect did work there though
The person is someone he thought to be a friend A business associate probably friendly terms
His father would be floored if he knew who was really behind this. Unfortunately so because was an employee of the company
It was never really about the kidnapping money that was just a cover Im assuming since they believe Robert was murdered
They were talking business It was an employee of the company
They ransacked my apartment drugs were NOT involved Motive will probably be business related not drug related -
and one day these people will be caught and will pay for what they have done to our family And thank goodness at least one has been caught! By my readings I feel he may have had help pulling this off!

I will go back to my other more recent notes regarding the case and see what else matches the media. I know I got Venezuela and the name Chip which in reading an article on the case both of these words were mentioned.

I hope that this will be the first step in Robert returning home to his family.

Please post photos and information about missing persons on your sites and emails to keep them in the public eye!

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