Saturday, March 1, 2008

So Where Do I Fit in this Thing Called Religion?

I am really confused as to where I fit in this thing called religion. There are so many different religions in this world, how do you really know where you belong? What if you were raised in a certain religion, but find due to experiences you would be thought of as crazy? I would appreciate some assistance in figuring out where I fit.

My formal religious background began in the Catholic Church when I was very young. I attended church with my family on and off through the age of about 10. We then drifted from attending church on a regular basis. As a child I did not question why it just meant I didn’t have to get up early on Sundays! During my teenage years till my early twenties I did not attend church. As a young adult I decided to return to the Catholic Church and became a member. I was married in the Church and began raising my older children in the Catholic school. That is the extent of my formal religious background.

Now, we come to the conflicts with understanding where I belong. Some of you may think I am crazy or the devil takes me over! Many of you may laugh at the devil part, but some people seriously have told me that things that happen to me are because of the devil. Thank goodness when I was having this religious discussion I did not mention that the things I was speaking of actually happen to me! This person would probably have freaked out. As some of you might, but I hope not. My reason for writing is to gain knowledge as to where I fit in.

Well, the differences in me actually started happening or at least I remember them starting in my teenage years. Most people would understand if I called it ESP. My older sister and I began being able to communicate without words. We could send pictures to each other. I know some of you are doubting me, but what do I have to be dishonest about. There is a very humorous story to go along with that one, but I’ll save that for later. We could put these experiences off to my sister and I being very close, like twins, we are only a year apart.

As life progressed, other things started happening that I was unable to explain or understand. I finally went to my mother and found out I was not alone! This helped to have someone to talk to that also experienced these things. I started to know things before they would happen, mostly car accidents to begin with. Then it went to all different types of accidents, now all sorts of things. It has progressed through the years.

Other things began happening in the last 5 or so years. Here’s where I come into more conflict as to where I belong. Some religions believe that once you die, that is it - there is nothing! I have a slight problem with that. If there are no spirits then how do I know things about people that I have no way of knowing? Can a persons brain waves and what they have in their subconscious mind travel hundreds of miles to me and just pop in my mind? I just don’t see think so. How can I know the name of a new friends deceased mother and experiences this person had as a child, they are 74 now? I don’t think the devil would care if his sibling gave him a rabbit when he was a very young child or that he ate macaroni off the dining room floor and his family gave him a hard time. I just don’t understand that concept.

I do not feel that I must go to a church to speak with God. I believe that God is everywhere and that he/she hears me no matter where I am. I do not believe that poof I/we all appeared out of nowhere, there has to be some reasoning as to why we exist.

So now that you know some of my background, can you help me to understand where I belong in this thing called Religion? I would love to hear from anyone that would like to explain if I belong anywhere? Does it really matter as long as I can accept that I am different? If you have never experienced the things I do and it offends you in anyway, I am sorry it is not my intent. I am just looking for an answer.

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