Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Finally Realized I'm Me!

I woke up from an almost sleepless night to realize I’m Me! Yes, I am in my forties and only realized today that I am myself not the extension of my husband or my children. I have hidden all these years as his wife and their mother. Whenever I had to introduce myself to someone, it always had one of those extensions! What was I thinking, I lost myself.

For some reason today, I’m me. I hope this realization continues and I don’t slip back to being only the extensions of my wonderful family. Yes I love them all dearly and want to share their lives, but I also want mine. I am uncertain as to where this realization will go or what will come of it but I feel free! I am me!

I have hidden behind them long enough it’s time to set out in the world and be who I was supposed to be. Besides hiding behind them, I have always been shy and worried what others would think of me. Why? I don’t know. I’m different then some people, but so what – God made me too! Who is anyone else to judge how God made me? I try not to judge others and hopefully they will do the same.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good for you!!! i look forward to reading more about YOU! :)