Saturday, February 23, 2008

Whatever Pops in My Mind

Finding a title for my blog was a bit difficult. The reason being, I have no idea at this point what I am going to write about. Therefore, the title is definitely appropriate.

I do not consider myself an expert in a certain field, so I did not want to be very specific with the title. I usually write in a converstational style with humor added when possible. Some people may not understand my humor, others will.

I have been in the business world for way too many years. I would say my management style has been to be a working manager. Meaning that I learn all aspects of the jobs my employees are required to perform. I think that is the best way to understand their concerns and assist in making the jobs more cost effective.

A mother to four girls should make me an expert in that field. But they always seem to come up with things that make me feel like a novice! LOL Of course, they know more than I do, just ask them.

Thanks for visiting. I'll write again when "Whatever Pops in My Mind"


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's what blogs are for! Whatever pops in your mind! I'll pop in and see what's up! Come and visit me anytime! Found you on CafeMom! Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Hey! That's what blogging is all about, for me, anyway! Pop in and see me if you'd like! And keep bloggin'! It's fun! Have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Hello! We are in the same boat! I have no idea where I wanted to go with a blog either, I just do it to keep writing, and I have no clue as to what I'm doing! Hope you enjoy blogging, I've been getting a kick out of it. Look forward to reading more from you.