Monday, April 5, 2010

My Easter Story about Psychic Interpretation

Actually this all begin around July 2009 when I began staying at a house in a small very rural area. As I was sitting in the dining room and glanced out the window, something just grabbed my attention. The area around this large, somewhat ugly tree was pulling my attention. I sat for a quiet moment and it popped into my mind – something is in the dirt surrounding the tree.

This feeling of something buried around the tree has been haunting me so to speak for months. Every so often out of no where it would pop into my mind. I kept telling myself I was crazy, why would there be anything there? It kept bothering me so much so I finally voiced this to my mother. She felt there was something there also, but probably just broken glass or something.

I kept talking myself out of going and digging around the tree; fearing people would think I had totally flipped out!

As I continued to wonder about what may be located in the dirt near this tree, it came to me that it had to do with God and then I received – scroll. Now, being that I am in the middle of nowhere USA, I was like why would a religious scroll be in this yard?

Well, it finally got the better of me and I casually dug a hole in the place that I thought might be where it was. Nope, it was a brick! At first I just gave it up to I really am crazy. A few days later it began again. Ugh! It got me so I asked my husband why a brick would be buried in the backyard. His first response was I don’t know dig it up! LOL I had already done that.

The God and Scroll just kept coming and coming to me; it would not stop. So I decided that if whatever was there pertained to God and a Scroll I would dig on Easter Sunday! I really couldn’t imagine a scroll being buried in the backyard but who was I to not look for something that I was being told about continuously. If there was nothing then I would just have to accept I had lost my mind.

Easter Sunday finally arrived and I headed out to the backyard with shovel in hand. This would be the day I would find out I was either totally off my rocker or have some confirmation about God and the Scroll. Being I am writing this you are assuming I found something. Yes, you have assumed correctly; but it was not a religious scroll! Another lesson on interpretation! I had only dug a couple of shovelfuls when I saw this white piece of tile with black lettering! The piece is approximately one inch by a half inch. The printing on the piece of tile showed part of what appeared to be a crest and some lettering. Oh wow this is what has been bugging me for months!

The letters I could read on the tile were


And in part of the crest – yes the Scroll part – was DIEUET MON DR which if completed would translate to “God and My Right”

It appears this was part of an old porcelain object with the manufacturer of Clementson Brothers in England, who used the Crest as their marking.

So though I was of course disappointed it was not an old religious scroll, it did however have a scroll with the word God (when translated from French to English).

Interpretation, Interpretation! I am glad I chose to wait until Easter Sunday to dig! Even though it is not some old religious scroll with answers to all those questions about life; it does have significance to me as a confirmation of the information I receive! To receive this confirmation on Easter will always be a wonderful memory!

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