Thursday, March 27, 2008

Opening a Big Can of Worms: Talking about Belief

First, let it be known, I do believe in God. This is not to question whether there is a God or not. Actually, it is more concerning the belief of things you can not see; more accurately, things not seen by the majority of our society.

Things started churning in my mind when I read a blog earlier today. I do not know the author and prefer not to accidentally find his blog again. But, he did however get me thinking, which is a good thing. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, he to his and me to mine. I do respect freedom of speech or I, myself, would not be writing this.

The subject of his blog was his non-belief in psychics and their so-called abilities. He stated that he should open up a psychic business; he could make up whatever “crap” he wanted and make money. He went on and on about how all psychics and healers are fake and scam artists. There were a couple of comments from people on both sides of the spectrum. One stated that it was required by law (did not list the state) that any psychic business must put on their sign or site; for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only.

Our society in general accepts there are different religions. Many people do believe there is a God or higher being that created and watches over us. I am not a religion expert by any stretch of the imagination. I just know I can drive down any road in my town and there is a church of one faith or another. Now, have all these people seen God? Not the people I have spoken with. Yet they believe that he does exist. The churches are not required to put a sign up stating for ENTERTAINMENT purposes, yet they can not prove they have seen God.

Why then do some people look at psychics like they are crazy scam artists? If they believe in God, whom they can not see; why do they not believe that some people have a gift to see or speak with spirits? Certain psychics do see these spirits and know them to be real. Therefore, they believe in something they can see. Why then must they put on their sign, for ENTERTAINMENT purposes?

I know a number of people are going to bring up the argument there are scam artists in the psychic industry. Unfortunately, I would have to agree with them. But let’s stop and remember how many so-called ministers have been charged with scamming money from their parishioners! So, to me it is the same problem; different belief.

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